Application Guidelines
Come join the growing membership of Road Engineering Association of Malaysia (REAM)
Join REAM to participate in the exciting and value added events organised for the benefit of members at discounted rates. Be a delegate in the enlightening local and overseas conferences, seminars, forums, workshops and symposiums to interact and network with fellow participants. Make acquaintances and further strengthen the existing bond of friendship among the road engineering fraternity during annual dinners and golf tournaments. Be part of the nation’s premier road engineering association!
Guidelines for applicants
Please fill in the required particulars in the form. This form can be typewritten or handwritten.
Applicants for Ordinary / Associate / Life membership are not required to complete Item 3.
Applicants for Institution / Affiliate membership are only required to complete Items 3, 9 and 10.
Membership Grades:
1. Ordinary Membership
A person who is professionally qualified or has a minimum of five years experience in road related field and who is actively involved in the science and practice of road engineering.
2. Institutional Membership
A professional institution, association, firm, company, organisation or other similar body whose activities include the science and practice of road engineering or are concerned with road engineering and related professions.
3. Affiliate Membership
An institution, association or organisation whose main objectives are similar to those of REAM and who are willing to reciprocate a similar class of membership with REAM.
4. Associate Membership
A person who is keenly interested in the science and practice of road engineering but is not eligible for election to other grades of membership.
5. Life Membership
A person who is professionally qualified or has a minimum of five years experience in road related field and who is actively involved in the science and practice of road engineering or any elected individual member by payment of an up-front fee, the level of which is to be decided by the Council from time to time as listed in clause 7 (c) of REAM Constitution or any elected individual members by being active for more than fifteen (15) continues years and has reached the age of 65 years.
6. Membership Fee
New REAM members are required to pay the entrance and annual subscription fee for the first year and annual subscription fee for subsequent years.
Membership Entrance fee (RM) Annual subscription (RM)
Ordinary / Associate 60.00 60.00
Institution 1, 100.00 1, 100.00
Life / Affiliate Subject to conditions
Ordinary, Associate, Institutional and Life members are automatically members of The Road Engineering Association of Asia & Australasia (REAAA)