The 3-day 11th Malaysian Road Conference & Exhibition and the concurrent 4th International Road Federation Asia-Pacific Regional Congress held at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur from 11 October 2022 ended on a high note. The event saw a record of participation registrations by local and overseas delegates, paper presenters, luminary guest speakers, exhibitors, event partners and advertisers.
This edition, carrying the timely theme Towards Resilient Road Infrastructure was jointly organised by the Ministry of Works, Malaysia, Public Works Department, Malaysia, Malaysian Highway Authority, the lead organiser, the Road Engineering Association of Malaysia and International Road Federation in collaboration with the Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia and World Road Association (PIARC) and in association with Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (Malaysian Branch) and the Road Engineering Association of Asia & Australasia.
The biennial Malaysian Road Conference (MRC) held since 1994 has evolved into a premier national and regional platform for presenting research findings, discussing and exchanging ideas on cutting-edge technologies relating to the development, construction, management and maintenance of roads, highways and related infrastructure. The MRC is a much sought-after event for those involved in the finance, design, construction, management and maintenance of road infrastructure projects.
Registration of delegates.