11TH MALAYSIAN ROAD CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 2022 and INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL CONGRESS 11-13 October 2022 World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur REAM is spearheading the hosting of this joint event with the support from the Ministry of Works, Public Works Department and the Malaysian Highway Authority. October 11, 2022 will certainly be a ‘Red-Letter Day’ with our Prime Minister having consented to officially declare open this joint event and deliver his keynote address. His acceptance of our invitation is a testimony to the stature and importance of this event to the progress and well-being of our nation. The theme of the conference and congress TOWARDS RESILIENT ROAD I8NFRASTRUCTURE is timely considering the recent devastating damage to our public infrastructure and private properties as a result of unprecedented rainfall and subsequent massive flooding. The trauma, anxiety and misery faced by the affected victims were equally heart-wrenching to the rest of the Malaysian Family. Such incidents have been emerging in many parts of the world, even in developed countries as a result of extreme weather, climate change, population growth and aging infrastructure. As resilience is the ability to bounce back to normalcy after facing adversity, the technical sessions for this conference and congress have been formulated to address and find solutions to the inevitable challenges ahead. The biennial Malaysian Road Conference held since 1994 has evolved into a premier regional platform for presenting research findings and discussing and exchanging ideas on latest technologies relating to road infrastructure and engineering. It is also an avenue for further enhancing networking, cooperation and collaboration among road professionals. Come join us as delegates for an enriching and enlightening experience. For full details, do surf the dedicated website: www.11mrc.com.


Tuesday, 11 October 2022 - 8:15am to Thursday, 13 October 2022 - 1:00pm


11th Malaysian Road Conference (FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT).pdf

11th Malaysian Road Conference & Exhibition 2022 and 4th International Road Federation Asia-Pacific Regional Congress (FINAL).pdf